The Rat Kingdom

The rats run their cave like a machine. Tunnels mined of their resources, burning matches exposing the twisting paths, the glimmer of gems reflecting colored light.

"Alright, you vermin! Get back to work!" demands Foreman Grough. 

Pickaxes chipping at the rock, beautiful opaque stones being revealed. One would look over this massive system and wonder, what do rats need with all of these gems.

Thousands of miners. Their tools and tinkering, the yelling rat foremen, and the underground waterfall combined gather to an almost unbearable amount of sound and volume.

The waterfall splashes into a pool with light shimmering all across the jagged rock floor. Gems, flickering flames, or some other unnatural light the possible source. None of the rats know, they hate water. 

Bridges of leftover rock criss-cross randomly throughout the mine creating paths for the workers, minecarts, and the gems they transport out of the mine.  

These gems are unique, not like diamonds, opals, sapphires, or even turquoise. These are sungems, the last known source of creating natural light in the rat kingdom. 

The rats can't live underground forever, their lives dependent on the resources above they must continue to mine from below. 


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